  • 软件名称:西南地区2001~2019年森林损失特征监测与时空分析
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 王淑静,赖佩玉,郝斌飞,马明国,韩旭军
  • 软件来源: 《技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.shaofei.name


摘要: 森林在生态系统服务中起着重要作用,例如提供清洁空气、保护生物栖息地以及减少全球温室气体的排放等。全球森林变化数据集(Global Forest Change,GFC)每年以30 m的高空间分辨率绘制森林覆盖变化必威现金回扣,成为监测森林覆盖时空变化特征的有效工具。利用谷歌地球引擎(Google Earth Engine,GEE),基于GFC产品,结合线性回归方法和空间自相关理论对西南地区2001~2019年森林变化情况进行研究,结果表明:近19 a来,西南地区森林损失面积为375.27万hm2,以2008年为拐点,2008年之前呈显著增加趋势(p<0.05),在此之后波动下降,损失主要集中分布在广西、贵州东南和云南南部地区;森林损失与地形分析的关系表明损失主要分布在海拔2 000 m以下、坡度小于40°的区域,并逐渐向海拔更低坡度更缓的地方转移;森林损失面积具有一定的空间关联性,2001~2019年来Moran’s I 指数均为正,平均值为0.406,空间高值聚集在广西和贵州南部,低值聚集在重庆、四川和云南北部;政策因素在土地利用方式转变过程中发挥着重要作用,林业活动和农业扩张是影响损失现象发生的主要驱动因素,今后制定森林保护和管理战略时应充分考虑多方面因素造成的森林损失现象,研究结果可以为森林监测和保护提供更科学的指导。 关键词: 森林变化;  西南地区;  监测;  Google Earth Engine;  空间自相关     Abstract: Forests play an important role in ecosystem services, such as providing clean air, protecting biological habitats, and reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. Global Forest Change (GFC) maps the forest cover change with a high spatial resolution of 30 m every year, which has become an effective tool for monitoring the spatio-temporal changes of forest cover. Based on Google Earth Engine, using high-resolution global forest change data, we inspected the patterns and processes of deforestation combined with linear regression methods and spatial autocorrelation theory in Southwest China. The results show that in the past 19 years, the total forest loss in southwest China was 3.752 7 million ha. 2008 is a turning point, as the area of annual forest loss has a significant rising trend before(P<0.05), and a fluctuant decreasing trend afterwards. The losses were mainly distributed in Guangxi province, southeast Guizhou Province and southern Yunnan Province. While forest loss are mainly located on the mountains(elevation below 2 000 m, slope below 19°), the location of forest loss patches has moved to lower and flatter areas in recent years. From a spatial perspective, the Moran’s I index was positive, with an average value of 0.406 from 2001 to 2019.It also tells that most prefecture-level cities are neighboring by the cities with similar forest loss area. High-High clusters are mainly in Guangxi Province and southern Guizhou Province, and the aggregation of Low-Low are showed in Chongqing, Sichuan Province, and northern Yunnan Province. The potential factors that affect deforestation in Southwest China highlight the role of forestry activities and agricultural expansion, policy factors play an important role in the transformation of land use patterns. This study provides a basis for the future rational forest management and planning of forest resources, formulating more scientific and effective policies and programs.


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