  • 软件名称:基于无人机技术的森林参数获取研究进展
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 刘鹤,顾玲嘉,任瑞治
  • 软件来源: 《技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.shaofei.name


摘要: 凭借着高分辨率、可控性强和性价比高的特点,无人机技术在森林研究中得到了迅速的发展与应用。对无人机成像平台的发展和国内外利用无人机技术开展森林调查的情况进行介绍,针对单木和林分两种森林资源调查对象,总结了目前利用无人机技术提取森林参数的前沿方法。重点分析和讨论了基于无人机平台的多光谱、高光谱和激光雷达传感器获取森林参数的算法,对比了其优越性、局限性并分析其最佳应用场景。此外,介绍了无人机在森林树种分类和病虫害监测方面的应用情况。最后,对无人机技术在森林监测方面的应用前景进行了展望,可为今后基于无人机的森林资源监管领域的研究提供理论依据与技术支持。 关键词: 森林参数;  无人机;  多光谱;  高光谱;  激光雷达     Abstract: With the characteristics of high resolution, strong controllability and high cost performance, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) remote sensing technology has been rapidly developed and applied in forest research. This study introduces the development of UAV remote sensing imaging platform, and the situation of forest investigation using UAV remote sensing technology at home and abroad. According to the investigation objects of individual tree and forest, the advanced methods of extracting forest parameters by UAV remote sensing technology are summarized. This study focuses on the analysis and discussion of various algorithms for obtaining forest parameters based on multispectral, hyperspectral and lidar sensors loaded in UAV platform, compares their advantages and limitations, and analyzes their best application scenarios. In addition, the application of UAV remote sensing in forest tree species classification and pest monitoring is also introduced. Finally, the application prospect of UAV in forest monitoring is discussed, which can provide theoretical basis and technical support for forest resources supervision in the future.


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