介绍了利用ArcG IS开发雷达betway体育的一种方法。该方法利用地必威现金回扣数据预处理和数据变换等手段生成脱离ArcG IS的数字地必威现金回扣文件,可以满足雷达显示控制系统背景地必威现金回扣显示的需要。最后介绍了雷达betway体育的时间空间性能、系统应用以及系统的模块化设计思路。
This paper describes a method to develop radar geographic information system with ArcGIS.It can produce a digital map file independent of ArcGIS by means of data pretreatment and transform.This technique can meets the requirements of background map for radar display and control system.In addition,the time and space performance,the application of system and the modularization designs of radar GIS are presented.