介绍了一种对Landsat影像逐像元进行大气校正模型,该模型基于MODTRAN大气辐射传输模型计算建立的查找表(look up table,LUT),并结合暗元目标法(dark object method,DOM),利用影像自身的信息对影像进行大气校正。以Landsat ETM+影像为例,介绍了算法流程,同时给出了大气校正前后的对比结果。结果表明,利用该模型进行的影像逐像元的大气校正,能够有效地降低大气中的大气分子、水汽、臭氧、气溶胶粒子等对影像造成的影响,获得更加精确的地物真实反射率,有利于信息的进一步定量提取和专题解译。 更多还原
【Abstract】 A new atmospheric correction algorithm based on dark object method and the look up table developed from MODTRAN model was introduced for Landsat images in the paper.The infomation of the satellite remote sensing images was used to support the atmospheric correction.The algorithm was applied to the Landsat ETM+imagery and comparisons show that the influence on Landsat imagery caused by molecules,water vapor,ozone,and aerosol particles in the atmosphere was effectively reduced after the correction... 更多还原