GPS测量以其全天候、高精度、自动化、高效益等特点,已逐步取代了最初的常规大地测量和工程测量。文章以某大学新校区首级控制网为例,在Pinnacle软件的支持下用三种方案对控制网进行了平差,得出了各测站点的坐标。研究与分析结果表明:采用战役模式的基线解算方案,平差精度最高,其结果为控制网的最终优选结果,可应用于该大学新校区的后期规划与建设。 更多还原
【Abstract】 GPS survey has substituted for the initial routine geodetic survey and the engineering survey gradually because of its specialty,such as all-weather,high accuracy,,automation,high benefit and so on.Taking the primary control network of a university new campus as an example,the paper used three programs to adjust the control network with the support of the Pinnacle software,and then obtained the coordinates of each measured site.Research and analysis results show that the campaign mode adjustment...