利用内蒙古二连浩特实验场对TerraMODIS传感器开展辐照度基定标方法研究。定标结果表明,辐照度法定标系数和MODIS的星上定标、反射率基法定标系数非常接近,相对差异<3.3%,证明辐照度基定标方法正确。定标系数之间的差异说明,漫射辐射与总辐射辐照度比测量的精度对辐照度法结果影响很关键。不同气溶胶模式下得到的结果说明辐照度法可以减小因气溶胶模式的假设产生的误差。 更多还原
【Abstract】 Radiometric calibration is the key of improving quality and quantitative applications of the remote sense data. A irradiance-based radiometric calibration campaign was performed by National Spaceborne Demonstration at the Erenhot test site on June 1, 2007, in which Terra MODIS was the object. It showed that the irradiance-based calibration results were in good agreement with both the MODIS on-board calibration and reflectance-based calibration results with the variations less than 3.3% at the si... 更多还原