基于Google Maps API所提供的接口,把Google地必威现金回扣嵌入到自己的网页中,利用API提供的函数导入所需要的电子地必威现金回扣,实现了地必威现金回扣浏览和旅游信息显示等基本内容,并完成在电子地必威现金回扣上对旅游景点、旅游线路、旅游景区等信息的标注,使游客能够方便快捷地获取旅游景点及附近信息,从而合理安排旅游计划。 更多还原
【Abstract】 Based on Google Maps API, we embed Google Maps into ourselves website, use the function provided by API to import the required electronic map. It has some parts of functions, including map browsing and tour information showing. And it has realized tourist attractions, routing of travel and tourist area mark, and the tourists could get the information around the place facility and quickly, and they could rationally make their travel plans. 更多还原