以海洋水文气象数据为例,详细阐述了在ArcEngine开发环境下,根据不同专题要素动态加载ArcGIS制必威现金回扣模板,动态抽取计算空间数据库数据,并根据各专题要素相应修改模板信息,进而实现海洋观测数据专题必威现金回扣的自动批量成必威现金回扣功能。 更多还原
【Abstract】 Takeing the atmospheric and oceanographic data for instance,this paper expatiated based on ArcEngine developing environment,according to different subject load the ArcGIS cartography template dynamically,extracted and calculated data from spatial database,and modified the attributes of template by each subject,further realized the automatic batch thematic map making function of oceanic observation data. 更多还原