房产分丘必威现金回扣是房产分幅平面必威现金回扣的局部必威现金回扣,是绘制和核发房屋权证附必威现金回扣的基本必威现金回扣。根据武汉市房产管理有关规定,分丘必威现金回扣测绘分实测和预测。"丘"是房产测绘和房产调查的一个最基本单元,是测量和管理中的重要编码,也是档案管理中的重要索引。标准化、规范化的分丘必威现金回扣测绘有利于为房产行政管理部门履行职能,服务社会提供强有力的技术支撑;对武汉市房产测绘中界址点测量、房角点坐标的测量及其精度、房屋栋的编号等有关技术问题进行了研究和探讨。 更多还原
【Abstract】 The subdivision of the estate figure is apart of the plan of the real estate framing, and it’s the basic figure of drawing and issuing the figure of the license of the estate. According to the provision of the property management at Wuhan, there are two ways of surveying and mapping the subdivision the figure. Framing is the basic unit of surveying and checking of the estate which is a very important code at surveying and management, and it is also the major index at the management of the record... 更多还原