针对GIS空间数据尺度效应问题,通过对贵州喀斯特山区的矢量数据栅格化最佳尺度选择研究,提出研究对象的复杂性、空间分析与制必威现金回扣的精度要求和实际运算效率是影响尺度选择的最主要因素,进行多要素、综合性的空间分析时,25 m~30m的栅格数据是最合适的转换尺度。 更多还原
【Abstract】 After a series of quantitative experiments, this paper proposed that complexities of study area, requirements of accuracy, and computing efficiency were the most important factors which affect the optimal scale of rasterizing vector data; it also concluded that the 25 m-30 m raster unit is the optimal scale for Geo-spatial analysis in Guizhou karst mountainous area. 更多还原