提出一种基于C4.5算法的网格模式识别方法。该方法以道路网中的网眼为基本单元,根据上下文关系将其标识为属于网格模式和不属于网格模式两类。首先采用形状参量和关系参量描述网眼,然后,基于决策树C4.5算法分别对5参量描述和3参量描述数据构造分类器,运用10折交叉验证获得具有说服力的结果,其Kappa值分别为0.63和0.66,正确率分别为81.7%和82.9%,置信度90%的置信区间分别为[0.785,0.846]和[0.797,0.857]。在新数据上进行了识别效果的验证,结果表明该分类器可用于网格模式的识别。 更多还原
【Abstract】 A method for grid pattern recognition based on C4.5 algorithm is proposed.Meshes in road networks can be classified as belonging to grid and not belonging to grid according to their context.Firstly,shape measures and relation measures are defined to characterize meshes in road networks.Secondly,two classifiers are trained using C4.5 algorithm based on five measures data and three measures data.A 10-fold cross validation process is applied in order to obtain a sounder result.Finally,the performan... 更多还原