对基于SCIAMACHY传感器,WFM-DOAS反演的CH4柱浓度数据进行分析,分析了全国CH4柱浓度的时空变化,并对我国八大自然区的CH4柱浓度的时间变化规律作了研究。从研究结果分析得到,CH4柱浓度的空间分布,青藏区整体较低,在我国东部地区,CH4柱浓度随纬度的增加而降低;整体来看,CH4柱浓度夏季高,冬季低,有明显的季节性变化规律。 更多还原
【Abstract】 Based on SCIAMACHY sensor,WFM-DOAS method retrieval CH4 volume mixing ratio,the temporal and spatial variation of CH4 volume mixing ratio of China,included the eight natural region CH4 column density were studied.From the analysis,Qinghai-Tibet region had the lowest,but the eastern China CH4 column density.In eastern China CH4 column density decreased with increasing of latitude.Overall,there was significant seasonal variation,that was CH4 column density high in summer and low in summer. 更多还原