相位解缠是InSAR数据处理中的关键技术和难点,也是InSAR产品的主要误差源。本文通过四组不同的数据对六种相位解缠方法进行比较得到:对于相干性较好的高山地区和平原地区以及范围较大的区域,最佳相位解缠方法均为最小费用流法;对于低相干区域,则采用Golstein枝切法更为合适。 更多还原
【Abstract】 Phase unwrapping is the key technology and difficulty of InSAR,and also is the main error of the InSAR production,Therefore this paper conludes the best methord for diferent situations by comparing and analysing of six approaches through four groups experiments.For alpine and plain country with high coherence or large area,the best phase unwrapping methords are Minimum Cost Network Flow,for low coherence area,the best methord is Golstein Branch-Cut. 更多还原