提出层间链路的星间链路方式,即以轨道高度区分的不同类型间链路,在MEO上安装星载接收机即可接收GEO、IGSO观测数据。根据中国导航系统星座构型,从跟踪时间、三维位置精度因子PDOP、定轨均方差等评价指标,分别进行地面跟踪站区域和全球非均匀分布情况下的星地链路、星地链路联合层间链路、星地链路联合星间双向测距等多种场景的定轨仿真。结果显示,基于中国区域的7个地面跟踪站1 d观测值,联合波束角为41.25°的层间星间链路,GEO、IGSO和MEO定轨均方差值由6.1 m、1.3 m和5.9 m减小到1.0 m、0.8 m和2.0 m;联合波束角为45°的双向测距(残余系统误差为振幅30 cm的周期项),星座整体定轨精度优于20 cm。 更多还原
【Abstract】 A way of orbit determination based on inter-satellite cross-layer observations is proposed.It classifies satellite orbits into various layers by their heights and if a receiver is set in MEO satellite,observations can be received from GEO and IGSO.According to the satellite constellation of the Chinese Compass satellite navigation system,precise orbit determination is carried out with satellite-ground observations(SGO),on the combination of satellite-ground and inter-satellite cross-layer observ... 更多还原