提出一种消除不规则采样的必威现金回扣像复原方法,该方法结合了ACT算法和总变差(TV)必威现金回扣像复原模型以达到同时去除多种必威现金回扣像退化因素的目的,并且结合非局部均值(NLM)算子给出了基于NLTV的消除不规则采样必威现金回扣像复原模型,最后使用算子分裂与扩展的坎贝尔投影算法求解模型。试验结果表明,该方法能够有效减少复原必威现金回扣像的阶梯效应并提高复原必威现金回扣像的纹理细节信息。 更多还原
【Abstract】 An image restoration algorithm for remote sensing images is proposed to eliminate irregular sampling effect.The algorithm combines the ACT algorithm and the total variation to restore several degradation artifacts,and integrates the nonlocal means operator to propose a remote sensing image restoration model based on nonlocal total variation to eliminate irregular sampling effect,then uses operator splitting method and extended Chambolle’s projection algorithm to solve the model.Experimental resu... 更多还原