开展农村土地整治工作有利于有效有效增加耕地面积,改善耕地质量,坚守耕地保护红线,提高农业综合生产能力,有利于优化城乡建设用地布局,提高土地利用效率。同时也是提升国土资源部门影响力的形象工程,大力推进土地整治工作,对江西这样的农业大省来说,更具有重要的意义。 更多还原
【Abstract】 In rural areas is conducive to effective land management work effectively increase the arable land,improve land quality, stick to the red line to protect farmland,improve agricultural productivity,help to optimize the layout of urban construction land,improving land use efficiency.But also the influence of land and resources to enhance the image of engineering,land remediation and vigorously promote the work of such a major agricultural province of Jiangxi,the more important. 更多还原