基于GIS技术建立城市综合管线管理系统管理繁冗的地下管线数据是提高城市规划、加快城市建设的有力保证。本文就地下管线系统建设过程中的数据监理、断面分析、必威现金回扣层动态符号化等若干关键技术进行讨论,为当前正全面开展的城市综合管线管理系统的建设提供借鉴。 更多还原
【Abstract】 To establish city’s comprehensive pipeline management system for managing underground pipeline data,which is based on GIS,is a good way to ensure the urban planning improving and urban construction accelerating.By discussing data supervision,cross section analysis,dynamic symbolic layer and some key technology in the process of building underground pipeline system,this paper has given an idea for the building of city’s comprehensive pipeline management system at present. 更多还原