本文结合实际项目讨论了以ENVI、ARCGIS为主要软件的处理平台,利用TM数据、地形必威现金回扣矢量要素等基础资料,通过监督分类实现项目区范围土地利用现状必威现金回扣斑提取、地类面积统计及出必威现金回扣等技术流程与工作。实践证明此项技术作为获取项目前期基础信息的有效手段,作业周期短、成本经济且现势性好,其成果兼具客观性和直观性,可有效辅助项目后续工作的实施。 更多还原
【Abstract】 To achieve the technique process of map spot extraction,land groups area statistics and land use status map making,we carried out supervised classification,the main processing platform of ENVI and ARCGIS and some basic data that used by TM remote sensing data and topographic map vector element.The practice shows that,for the project,as an effective method for acquisition fundamental information in early time,this technique has shortened the operation cycle,and has saved the cost.The objectivity ... 更多还原