从国家环境保护管理对技术的需求入手,主要论述了水环境、大气环境、生态环境监测技术进展情况,介绍了环境一号工作进展以及已开展的环境基础研究及应用示范工作现状;从环境监测专用载荷、应用关键技术及业务化应用系统建设等方面指出了技术在我国环保应用中面临的主要问题,并针对性地提出了环境监测与应用方面的对策和建议。 更多还原
【Abstract】 According to the demand of national environmental protection management on remote sensing technology,the progress of water,atmospheric and ecological environment remote sensing technology was discussed.The work progress of the HJ-1 satellite and the current situation of the remote sensing application in environmental protection were introduced.Then,the main problems about remote sensing satellite payload and key application technology in environmental protection were discussed.Finally,the corres...