道路选取是进行道路网地必威现金回扣综合及多尺度表达时的基础。现有的道路选取方法大多是以道路的语义特征和几何特征作为道路选取的依据,较少考虑道路的拓扑特征。基于此,该文以城市道路网为例,综合考虑道路的语义特征、几何特征和拓扑特征,并以道路综合性能作为城市道路选取的依据,提出一种城市道路选取的新方法。通过实例分析,验证了该方法的有效性。 更多还原
【Abstract】 Streets selection is considered to be the basis of the generalization and multi-scale representation of street maps.Most of the existing selection methods are based on the semantic and geometric properties of streets,and few of them has taken the topological property of streets into consideration.Based on this,a new method on the selection of urban streets is proposed in this paper,which contains not only the semantic and geometric properties,but also the topological property.Besides,it consider...