在大规模GPS车辆监控中,当精度要求高时终端与中心端的通信负荷及中心端的数据处理负荷都很大,自适应采集技术可以有效解决这一问题。该文提出了车辆GPS监控数据的自适应采集算法,采用基于端点速度约束和里程约束的拟合多项式表达速度函数,综合考虑终端有地必威现金回扣和无地必威现金回扣的情况,采用偏差距离表示速度的方向偏差,并提出了数据的恢复算法、算法评价指标以及算法的应用模式。最后基于北京市的真实路网和实测GPS数据对算法进行了验证,恢复后的数据在速度和位置上都逼近真实数据,数据压缩率达3%,证明了算法的有效性。 更多还原
【Abstract】 In large-scale high precision vehicle monitoring with GPS,the communication between the server and terminals is extremely frequent,and data processing load is heavy.In order to solve this problem,an adaptive collecting algorithm of vehicle GPS monitoring data is proposed in this paper.The algorithm is designed considering three aspects:expresses vehicle speed function by polynomial fitting based on constraints of endpoint speed and travel distance,takes both situations of the terminal with a map...