有关金沙江形成演化研究的历史已有百年之久,近十年来更是地学界研究热点之一,产出成果颇为丰硕。该文在对一个多世纪以来有关金沙江研究成果分析基础上,勾绘出金沙江石鼓-宜宾段上新世以来的河谷形成演化过程,基本观点为:全新世之前该区存在数条并列南流水系;上新世末-早更新世初,湖泊广泛发育;早更新世中后期,金沙江经丽江-鹤庆,于金江街附近汇入昔格达古湖;早更新世末期,昔格达古湖被切穿泄空,金沙江下游袭夺连通;中更新晚期,石鼓以南的东西向隆起使金沙江南流受阻,被动袭夺至水洛河,并于三江口与下游川江连通,至此形成真正具有现代意义的金沙江。 更多还原
【Abstract】 In this paper,the progress of the valley formation and evolution of the section from Shigu to Yibin of Jinsha River since late Pliocene was described based on the analysis to the researches on the Jinsha River over the past century.The basic point is that,there were several parallel rivers flowed southward in the area before the late Pliocene;numerous lakes emerged and well developed between late Pliocene and early Pleistocene;the paleo-Jinsha River flowed through Shigu and Lijiang-Heqing Basin,...